A Different Kind of Buzz
Bees are essential to the existence of most flowering plants and the foods we eat globally. Despite our dependence on bees, their populations are declining due to a variety of factors. We can make a difference in our gardens and green spaces by supporting them.

Stubble or Beard?
Instead of debating the height of grass during “No Mow May,” we should ensure more early blooming flowers are planted in the places where we live so pollinators can find food.

Step Three: Think “Community”
Plants have evolved to grow together in specific communities. As we design, we need to keep in mind what plants naturally grow together so as to set our gardening endeavors up for success.

Step Two: Figure Out Your Why
To design well, you must figure out the reason for the planting. It will keep you motivated and on track as you seek to expand the plants in your space.

Let’s gARTen!
Winter is a great time to explore the “bones” of your garden and begin designing for the following year.

If you like fireflies and butterflies
Leaf mulch habitat for overwintering insects.

The World’s Most Endangered Ecosystem, Right at Home
Our endangered grasslands - the prairie.

When is a “native planting” not a native planting?
A wildflower garden does not equal weeds.