Let’s Journey Together

Reconnecting people to their innate wisdom & creativity through rewilding practices

Prairie Pathways offers numerous rewilding practices for you to reconnect to your innate wisdom and creativity, and the land you live upon. These rewilding practices offer sacred space for you to walk the path you need to become deeply rooted to place, to life, and your belonging to it.

*Rewild (verb)

  • to partner with Nature in remembering your wholeness

  • to intentionally create a life that fills you up

  • to reconnect to the everyday sacred

Where soul speaks from


Rewilding is the practice of remembering where soul speaks from. It is the courage to bring to light one’s authentic self, to delve into the Unknown, and to trust that you already hold the answers you seek.

Rewilding is the active and intentional creation of a life that fills you up and reconnects you to the everyday sacred. It is authorship at its deepest and most powerful. Rewilded, you are no longer a character moving along to a particular story, no longer solely a voice that speaks from this point or view or that. You become the author of your life, deeply connected to inner and outer wildscapes.

Why Rewild?

  • Rewilding practices support physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, reconnecting us to outdoor spaces and forgotten inner landscapes. Depending on the practice, rewilding may lower blood pressure and cholesterol, boost immunity and the number of natural killer (NK) cells in the body.

  • Rewilding practices invite us to slow down, sense and notice our surroundings and our bodies. They therefore weave us gently into the present moment, encouraging relaxation, mindfulness and peace.

  • Because rewilding practices provide space for activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, they foster moments of clarity, ‘inner knowing’ and possibility. They help us to live according to our North Star and create openings into self-authorship where we become the creators of our life story and not solely characters within it.

  • Rewilding heightens our sense of relationship to ourselves and to the greater communities of which we are a part (both human and nonhuman). Rewilding practices guide us in remembering that we are part of a larger whole and that we exist in a web of reciprocity.

  • Rewilding brings us fully to the present: the body we live within, the land we live on, and the gentle & joyous ‘now.’ Rewilding practices guide us in remembering how intricately outer and inner ‘Nature’ are intertwined, thereby providing space for us to embody the ‘glocal’ as well as reminding us that how we honor ourselves in one wildscape deeply affects the other.

Why Prairie Pathways?

Prairie Pathways serves as a space to safely explore diverse paths on your journey of rewilding. Kristy, an experienced guide, author and creative, provides practices for you to engage fully in your life through the power of nature connection and soulcraft practices.

Whether you walk the path of the rewilded yogi, decide to skip a little on the writing W.I.L.D. side, or run headlong into the embrace of the land, all paths lead to you.

And you matter.

When you rewild with Prairie Pathways, you enter a sacred relationship with yourself. You decide to journey because that spark within wants to turn into a fire. You want to remember what it really feels like to be in your skin, to slow down enough to hear your breath and birdsong meld, and to sing your longing to the wind. You want to honor the voice in your heart that says, “There is no ‘once upon a time.’ There is only now.” And so you put one foot in front of the other.

And you find your way home.

Which path will you take?

"Messages of Interbeing" by Kristy A. Belton. Mixed media, upcycled art on display at Mayslake Peabody Estate, March-May, 2022