
Watercolor swirls by Kristy

Sometimes when we’re feeling stuck, uninspired or confused about our direction (whether in writing or in life!), taking a stroll down another creative path — even if for a few minutes a day — can set the next necessary step into motion.

When you engage in other creative practices, you not only become a better writer, you become a better “liver of life” by delving into your inner wildscape.

Here’s a few of our offerings:

  • Writing W.I.L.D. (with wonder, intuition, love & daring) is an experience that invites participants on a journey into their inner wildscapes through guided writing prompts in outer nature. These sessions include nature play, communal sharing, music and poetry/prose readings.

  • Envision. Create. Fulfill (EnCreFu). Move deeper within the vision board experience by also creating a unique calendar road map that guides your monthly steps toward your overall writing/life vision. Practice making space for small steps, taking decisions and articulating SMART goals. Allow your Inner Guide to speak through the images you choose.

  • Explore textures, techniques, painted papers and found objects to get in touch with your creative side. Let go of what you think “should be” and embrace what comes through you. Practice releasing perfectionism, imagining alternate possibilities and allowing for play.

What they’re saying,