Y/Our Story

Nature art beings

We are made for joy, connection and creativity.

We evolved in relationship to the seasons, the land and other nature beings. Star dust melds with our cells. The same moon that moves the seas, sways the waters within our bodies.

We are inherently creative and capable beings, sharing in the same powers of flight and song, of flow and strength, of rooting and blossoming as the natural world of which we are a part.

If we pause long enough, if we choose to take a breath and notice, we know this to be true.

Sometimes, though, we need encouragement to slow down, to tap in and tend our flames. Prairie Pathways provides the space for us to do so, together.

Through forest therapy, yoga, sound journeys, creative play and writing W.I.L.D experiences, Prairie Pathways reconnects you to your inner and outer wildscapes. It provides the paths for you to remember what it is you long “to do with your one wild and precious life.”* 

 * Mary Oliver in “The Summer Day”



A world where people live in harmony with their inner and outer wildscapes



To share rewilding practices so that people can live their lives in wholeness & joy

Rewild Your Journey. Which path will you take?

Nachusa Grasslands, prairie

Land Acknowledgment

Prairie Pathways’ services are offered on the land that is the ancestral home of many indigenous peoples, including the Council of Three Fires – the Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi peoples.

May we honor them, and those who came before and who will come after, by loving the land we are on.